Explore a wealth of resources at LIST designed to support your entrepreneurial journey. Stay connected with our community, attend upcoming events, and access expert advice to ensure your success.
We have the world’s largest repository of startup ideas, all under 5 Lacs INR, to help you find the perfect opportunity for your entrepreneurial journey.
Get guidance for funding with our extensive database, featuring over 150 opportunities. Secure the capital you need by connecting with potential investors and discovering the right funding options tailored to your startup’s needs.
Built For Students, Homemakers, Professionals and Entrepreneurs
90% of startups fail in the first year due to lack of startup mentorship. Learn entrepreneurship to be your own boss and become a job creator, not just a seeker.
Develop entrepreneurial mindset, understand how to innovate, build your own path.
Explore startup opportunities that fit your schedule, balancing family and business.
Transition into entrepreneurship confidently, using your skills to launch new ventures.
Advance your business with strategic insights and overcome funding challenges.